Financial Literacy Foundation - The Complete Pack
Benjamin Franklin once said that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. We go a step further and say that financial literacy is the key to unlocking the mysteries of investing. But above all, it is the beginning of self-empowerment through knowledge, enabling you to make well-informed, long term investment decisions which will impact every facet of your present and future financial well-being.
There is no better feeling than when you take charge of your own future...
We have developed our Financial Literacy Foundation program as a series of games built around interactive Excel Workbooks. You can only play these games in a unique arena called the Mind Gym, a cerebral place where you can exercise your gray cells and learn all about financial literacy in an interactive, rewarding and enjoyable way.
Enter the arena of Financial Literacy!
Keywords: investing, debt, risk and return, Diversification, inflation & growth, money matters, financial wellness, financial literacy foundation
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$199.00 ( Per License )
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