Station 3: Understanding Diversification (UI+)

Understanding Diversification delves into the simple but wise age-old parable of not putting all one’s eggs in a basket. But are all eggs and all baskets created equal and how many eggs should we put in a basket anyway?

To explore and answer these questions, we will trace the steps of a mysterious medieval figure whose fortunes have finally taken a favourable turn and who now has a windfall to invest in the property market. We begin with the mathematics of a simple diversification strategy for our daring investor and progress to examine event probability using a game of dice, elaborating on the deeper nuances of diversification and their implications for modern-day portfolio construction and management.  

To add to your learning experience, in this package you will also have access to our "Learning Lounge", which is designed for those who wish to delve deeper into a subject and get to know its nuts and bolts, so to speak!

Keywords: Diversification, Master diversification, Understanding Diversification course, Understanding Diversification training, Diversification Course

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Price :

$50.00 ( Per License )

Visited: 483 Times

Difficulty: Normal