Station 5: Understanding Portfolio Construction (UI)

Author: Investanalitix

Understanding Portfolio Construction is the stage on which all the actors introduced in Modules 1-4 can interact and perform! In this gathering, risk and return take on new personas and asset classes begin to behave in a manner that is different to when they were in isolation: Normally rambunctious stocks can metamorphose and exert a moderating influence on the crowd while introverted bonds can emerge as the catalyst for many a convivial conversation.

We could say that asset classes are social animals and their personality transforms in a portfolio setting! If we are invited to this gathering, then our preferences as to which of these characters we wish to mingle with, in what combination and for how long will add yet another dimension to the complexity.

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) describes these transformations, interactions and permutations in the context of an investment portfolio. One peculiarity is that adding a risky asset to a portfolio could actually reduce overall risk, a phenomenon which for many may seem counter-intuitive.

Another key insight is that a portfolio containing two or more risky assets can be engineered in such a way as to maximise return for a given level of risk or minimise risk for a given level of return. There is only a finite set of portfolios which can be constructed in this fashion and collectively, these trace out a magical curve referred to as the Efficient Frontier.  Welcome to the alchemist's corner!

Keywords: Portfolio construction, Portfolio Construction training, Portfolio Construction Course, Portfolio Construction Certification

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